Impound and Booting
Client Portal
Input your own customized violations for each customer. From the portal, your criteria is immediately sent to the App for instant access for your drivers and ticket agents. Likewise, when a driver tows or tickets for a violation, this immediately is uploaded to the portal. Emailed proof of the violations can be sent automatically to your clients. Upload your contracts into the system and drivers no longer have to carry and update large books of customer contracts. The system will provide data on the number of tows/tickets/warnings from each property.

Warnings & Citations
Derive over 25% more revenue from tows by issuing citations. Properties find it to be too harsh of a penalty to have their tenants immediately towed for a violation. By offering warning and citations, you are providing a service that more customers want.

Handheld App
Our App is available on IOS or Android. Drivers enter a property and the parking criteria and property information is at their fingertips. The software tracks when a car should be ticketed, warned, booted and/or towed based on the customized criteria for that specific property. When a driver finds a violation, simply input the license plate and violation and the app will inform of what to do next: Warn - Ticket - Tow - Boot, etc.